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2010 Strategy Survey Results
In January of 2010, I conducted a survey of leaders from fourteen different organizations about their strategies. The industries ranged from high technology firms to nonprofit service companies. The goal of the survey was to uncover the strategy challenges for the new year. The survey can be downloaded here.
In summary, respondents were asked to rank their company or work group in a set of categories. A "1" represented the lowest performance while a "5" represented the best performance. The graph below shows the average ranking for each company or work group. Note that more than half (8 of 14) rated themselves no better than average.
Strategy Rating 
The survey consisted of five questions. The results are presented below.

1. What is your relationship to strategy decision makers in your company or work group?

2. What types of strategy do you influence or decide in your company or work group?

3. How would you assess your company's or work group's strategy effectiveness?

4. What critical strategy challenges does your company or work group face in 2010?

5. What types of strategy help would help you most?

Strategy Role Notes:
Most respondents influence strategy decisions in their company.

Less than half have responsibility for a significant strategy while almost 30% manage multiple strategies.
Strategy Types Notes:
This respondent sample is highly product oriented.
Strategy Ratings Notes:
Fascinating that executing strategy received highest average score while reacting to competitors, evaluating strategy and managing strategy were the lowest scores.

It is hard to reconcile a high execution score with a low evaluation score. After all, how would a company know that it was executing well what it did not effectively evaluate?
Strategy Challenges Notes:
Surprisingly, there was little need in this population for strategies to reduce cost (common theme in 2009).

Three difference responses referenced the competitive environment and all were frequently identified as challenges in 2010.
Strategy Help Notes:
Interesting that few (14%) need help selling strategy within their business.

However, almost 60% would like to have someone to talk to about their strategy to test ideas, to receive suggestions and to reflect on the strategy.

Comparing these results with the overall rankings it appears that most al organizations need strategy help of some sort (even when their performance is above average).
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